PhD Awards 2020

Posted on: 18/06/2020

In 2020, BiR&D granted 4 awards to PhD’s that thanks to their outstanding work were selected among 30 applications. Next to their excellent scientific level, the main criteria included a strong multidisciplinary character and a high potential for industrialisation. Science …

BiR&D Multi-Disciplinary PhD Thesis Award 2016

Posted on: 21/09/2016

Each year, BiR&D awards two prices of 10.000 EUR to PhD Thesis: one in life & health sciences and one in science & technology. The call for the 2 multi-disciplinary PhD Thesis Award 2016 is opened till December 2nd, 2016. …

BiR&D signs charter with 10 Belgian universities

Posted on: 17/06/2014

On June 17th 2014 BiR&D has signed a unique charter with 10 Belgian universities. The undersigning universities and BiR&D asbl/vzw express their ambition to make Belgium the better place of R&D. Find here the signed charter : signed-charter-1