Case Study The innovation revolution: thinking inside the box – Alfalaval – Mats Nilsson
- Concentrating on the needs of today: not an imagined future
- Bettering your existing products through innovation
- Focusing on the big picture to minimise strategic planning risk
- Attribution dependency- correlating unrelated products with each other
download presentation : alfalaval-mr-nilsson
Case Study How to build entrepreneurial ecosystems anywhere? – Snecma – Olivier Leclerc
- The role of senior managers within an innovation system
- Consolidating an Innovative Culture
- Best practices used by preeminent companies to provide a sense of direction, to engage people and to overcome
obstacles in the change program that innovation implies.
download presentation : snecma-mr-leclerc
Case Study Big Data to Drive Digital Transformation – Telefonica – Pablo Rodriguez
- Data as a business Intelligence and decision making tool
- New Data driven services and forms of monetisation
- Privacy and Personal Data
- Transparency, Control and Trust
download presentation :
Case Study : Aligning Incentives to Innovation – How to reward creativity – Bouygues group – Vincent Maret
- Innovation- not just an issue for the R&D department
- Role of the sales team in linking customer feedback to new product development
- Aligning KPIs to innovation.
download presentation : bouygues-mr-maret
Case Study Successful innovation in a challenging environment – Nestlé – Hans Jörg Limbach
- Learning from 150 years of innovation
- The challenge of a fragmented portfolio for innovation
- Turning the breadth and ambiguity of front-end innovation into focused product launches
download presentation : nestle-mr-limbach
Case study Corporate Startups acceleration – Orange Fab – Nardjesse Miloudi
- Boost Startups & Accelerate Corporate Innovation
- International network of Orange Fab
- Startups support is not just Financial
- Examples of successful stories by Orange Fab
- What’s next in Spain
download presentation : orangefab-ms-miloudi
Case Study The story of J&J Innovation: Proximity as a Priority – Johnson & Johnson Innovation – Johan Verbeeck
- Strategic position accessing external Innovation in an unprecedented way
- Continuous Innovation allowing J&J to remain the largest and most innovative healthcare company in the world
- Understanding novel business models when collaborating with third parties
- Exploring X01 and Ichorcumab, early & late stage innovation
download presentation : johnsonandjohnson-mr-verbeeck
Case Study Running a Lean, Agile and Porous Innovation Funnel – Nokia – Roope Takala
- An agile innovation pipeline in companies with long R&D cycles
- Allowing rapid strategic changes while maintaining access to adjacent opportunities
- A porous pipeline requires a strong and whole hearted engagement of an ecosystem
- A set of ecosystem innovation tools allow management of innovation in an extended enterprise
download presentation : nokia-mr-takala
Big data workshop